Advice for Emerging Artists: The Importance of Keeping Your Day Job

As an artist who has navigated the early stages of a creative career, I’m often asked for advice by those just starting out. Reflecting on my own journey, one piece of advice stands out above the rest: keep your day job.

In the early days, I was filled with unrealistic ideals and dreams of solely pursuing my passion without any financial safety net. Looking back, I see that this approach made my journey much harder than it needed to be. Instead of flourishing, I found myself desperate and constantly struggling to make ends meet.

The financial roller coaster was not just exhausting; it took a toll on both my mental and physical health. The stress of uncertain income and the pressure to succeed solely through my art was overwhelming. It impacted my overall well-being in ways I hadn’t anticipated. It also impacted the way I navigated relationships.

I don’t believe in regrets because our paths are unique, and mine is what it is. I believe in the wisdom that reflection on our choices provides, and I hope that sharing my experienced perspective can support another creative person in thriving. There was so much magic that unfolded, and I am grateful for the opportunities that arose and helped me grow.

Photographed by Richard Marks

What I wish I had done differently is to let my day job support, nurture, and ignite my dream job. By maintaining a stable source of income, I could have pursued my artistic endeavors with a clearer mind and a more balanced approach. It would have alleviated the financial strain and allowed me to focus more on honing my craft and building a sustainable career.

Being constantly in a fight-or-flight survival mindset, trying to make ends meet solely through art, not only hindered my creative process but also prevented me from making some of the art that lit up my soul. It’s essential to prioritize your well-being and create from a place of stability and inspiration rather than desperation.

So, to all the emerging artists out there, my advice is simple: keep your day job. Let it be your foundation as you work towards your artistic goals. Don’t rush into full-time artistry unless you have a solid plan and financial stability. Your journey will be smoother, your creativity more focused, and your well-being better preserved.

Remember, it’s not about sacrificing your passion but rather about finding a healthy balance that allows you to thrive both artistically and personally. Keep creating, keep growing, and let your day job be a stepping stone towards realizing your artistic dreams.

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